1999 Christmas Photos |
The five photos below
are from Guyla Buckman Behring |
1999 |
Marti Christine Behring, 2 1/2 years old,
opening gifts. |
1999 |
Marti Behring and Briggs Buckman, age 4,
relaxing watching cartoons after an exhausting day opening gifts. |
1999 |
Michelle Morris Watts holding Laura Ashley
Behring and Jessica Zeiger holding Stone Potterfield. |
1999 |
Laura Ashley Behring, 6 months old. |
1999 |
Sisters Marti and Laura Ashley Behring. |
The next set of
photos are from Alice Gander of Christmas in Missouri. |
December 22, 1999 |
Cliff Gander, Alice Gander, Hope Gander Goodwin. |
December 23, 1999 |
Cliff and Josephine Gander's house. Trevor
and Taylor Sorenson open gifts watched by grandparents Hope and Joe
Goodwin, Aunt Juliana Goodwin and mom Jill Sorensen. |
December 23, 1999 |
Hope watches Taylor and Trevor play with
gifts. Taylor sports a brand new carpet burn and bruise on her
forehead as she went tumbling down the steps headfirst when trying to
carry an armload of dolls. |
December 23, 1999 |
Jill Goodwin Sorensen and son Trevor |
December 23, 1999 |
Cliff and Jo Gander took all four children and
their spouses out to TJ's restaurant in Hannibal for their
anniversaries. The "Ganders" sat at one end and those
married to Ganders sat at the other end. A good time was had by
all. Pictured here: Hope Gander Goodwin, Joel Dobson, Anne Yates
Gander, Josephine Jarboe Gander, Elizabeth Ketsenburg Gander. |
December 23, 1999 |
Cliff, Don, Hope, Joel, Anne. |
December 23, 1999 |
Paul, Alice, Cliff, Don, Hope |
December 23, 1999 |
Joe Goodwin, Elizabeth Gander, Paul Gander,
Alice Gander, Cliff Gander, Don Gander, Hope Gander Goodwin, Anne Yates
Gander. |
December 23, 1999 |
Liz, Paul, Cliff, Don, Hope, Joel |
December 23, 1999 |
Juliana Lucille Goodwin, youngest child of Joe
and Hope Gander Goodwin. |
December 23, 1999 |
Best buddies: Cliff Gander and son-in-law
Joel Dobson. |
December 23, 1999 |
A familiar scene to anyone who ever visited
Cliff and Jo Gander, gathered around the kitchen table. Juliana
Goodwin, Joel Dobson, Cliff Gander, Josephine Gander |
December 23, 1999 |
Still crazy after all these years: Cliff
and Jo Gander have been married 62 years but started dating 67 years ago
in November, 1932. |
December 24, 1999 |
The normal family gathering on Christmas
Eve: Stacy Harris Gander, Renee Gander Shinn, Trey Paul Gander,
Amelia May Gander. |
December 24, 1999 |
Left: David and Cathy Jo Gander Pfaff,
middle: Larry and Maria Gander Bradshaw, front, Yvonne Gander
Miller. |
December 24, 1999 |
Four generations: Josephine Gander, Hope
Gander Goodwin, Jill Goodwin Sorensen with children Taylor and
Trevor. However the fourth generation is much more interested in
eating chocolate than posing for pictures. |
December 24, 1999 |
Juliana Goodwin, Cliff and Jo Gander, Jill
Goodwin Sorensen, Hope Gander Goodwin, Taylor Sorensen |
December 25, 1999 |
Joe and Hope Gander Goodwin |
December 25, 1999 |
Gathered around the book Jackie Gander Deets
fixed for Christmas: Elizabeth Gander, Josephine and Don Gander,
Joel Dobson, Cliff Gander. They are in the kitchen at Don and Liz
Gander's house, originally built by Cliff's dad Harvey S. Gander in 1918. |
December 25, 1999 |
Four generations: Cliff Gander, Don
Gander, Maria Gander Bradshaw, Janelle Bradshaw, Josephine Gander, Drake
Bradshaw. |
December 26, 1999 |
Oh those girlie girls! The four daughters
of Paul and Anne Yates Gander with their Grandma Josephine Gander.
Renee Gander Shinn, Mona Jo Gander, Josephine Gander, Yvonne Gander
Miller, Amelia Gander. By the way, these girls had the
distinction of having BOTH grandmothers with the first name Josephine as
their maternal grandmother was Josephine Pike Yates. Photo is at
Paul Gander's house. |
December 26, 1999 |
Tom and Yvonne Gander Miller at Paul Gander's
house. |
December 26, 1999 |
Anne and Paul Gander the day before their 30th
wedding anniversary. |
December 26, 1999 |
The shrine at St. Mary's Cemetery in Shelbina,
Missouri. |
December 26, 1999 |
The shrine at St. Mary's Cemetery in Shelbina,
Missouri. |
December 26, 1999 |
The shrine at St. Mary's Cemetery in Shelbina,
Missouri. Brother and sister are in front: Sr. Mary Jeremy
(Mary Barbara) Buckman and J.A. Buckman. Their parents were Julius
and Irene Saunders Buckman, married in a double wedding with Charlie and
Bernadette Jarboe Kelly. This shrine was made possible by J.A.
Buckman and his family. |
December 26, 1999 |
The shrine at St. Mary's Cemetery in Shelbina,
Missouri. |
December 26, 1999 |
Josephine Jarboe Gander and Mardy Jarboe.
Mardy was married to Josephine's first cousin Joe Robey Jarboe.
Josephine is 83 and Mardy is 87. |
December 26, 1999 |
Three members of the Monroe City High School
Class of 1974:
Karen Buckwalter Seward, Alice Gander, Dolores Kendrick Wilson |
December 27, 1999 |
Josephine, Alice and Cliff Gander |
December 27, 1999 |
Guy Buckman with godchild and first cousin Alice
Gander. |