2002 Maryland Kentucky Descendents

June 27 - 30, 2002  Maryland Kentucky Descendents Reunion, Springfield, KY
2002_MD_KY_01.jpg (122625 bytes) June 28, 2002 Josephine Gander, Don and Liz Gander, Cliff Gander
2002_MD_KY_02.jpg (56406 bytes) June 28, 2002 Josephine and Cliff Gander, Jim Buckman, Guy Buckman, Don and Liz Gander
2002_MD_KY_03.jpg (55757 bytes) June 28, 2002 Jim Buckman, Guy Buckman, Don Gander
2002_MD_KY_06.jpg (42709 bytes) June 29, 2002 Anne (Yates), Elizabeth Yates Janes, Josephine and Cliff Gander
2002_MD_KY_07.jpg (43848 bytes) June 29, 2002 Liz and Don Gander, Harry Yates, David Yates
2002_MD_KY_04.jpg (69030 bytes) June 30, 2002 Alice Gander, Josephine and Cliff Gander, Don Gander at St. Rose church
2002_MD_KY_05.jpg (56511 bytes) June 30, 2002 Beth Hagan Nall, Cliff and Jo Gander, Liz and Don Gander
Photos taken at St. Rose Cemetery, Springfield, KY
2002_MD_KY_James_Arnold_Jarboe_desc1.jpg (154441 bytes) June 28, 2002 Sara Brownlee, Sarah Jarboe Brownlee, Linda Jarboe Vogan, Miller C. Ford standing behind tombstones for John Thomas Jarboe and wife Dorothy Hill Jarboe.  This group is descended from John and Dorothy Jarboe via John Thomas Jarboe and Martina Thomas and James Arnold Jarboe, brother of Joseph M. Jarboe
Jarboes.jpg (125522 bytes) June 28, 2002 Distant Jarboe cousins:  Sara Brownlee, Sarah Jarboe Brownlee, Josephine Gander, Don Gander, Linda Jarboe Vogan, Alice Gander, Miller Ford
John_Dorothy_Hill_Jarboe.jpg (93398 bytes) June 28, 2002 John Thomas Jarboe and Dorothy Hill Jarboe tombstones
John_Thomas_1770_1849.jpg (84870 bytes) June 28 2002 John Thomas tombstone, father of Martina Thomas Jarboe
Martina_Thomas_Jarboe.jpg (76525 bytes) June 28, 2002 Martina Thomas Jarboe
Susan_Dorothy_Jarboe.jpg (83992 bytes) June 28, 2002 Susan Dorothy Jarboe