Dear Sister:
This book is a compilation of letters and family history for the John Thomas and Maria Louise Saunders Bell family who homesteaded in St. Paul, Kansas in 1867.
The book is over 500 pages and most of the letters are scanned images. Suitable for reading on a tablet or computer. Not suitable for reading on a small screen such as a phone.
High Resolution copy (160 MB)
Low Resolution copy (40 MB)
Friend Gertrude:
This is the autograph book of Gertrude Lee Bell Jarboe with additional biographical and historical information. Not suitable for reading on small screen due to scanned images.
File link: (16 MB)
Iona Hope Branch Gander:
This book is a transcription of interviews made with Iona Gander in the 1970s by her daughter Jackie. Additional biographical and historical information is included.
File link: (6 MB)
This page was last updated on 03/20/18 10:49 AM