Official Homestead Documents from the
National Archives Records Administration |
May 16, 1905, Homestead Affidavit for
Blanche Marquart's homestead application 30588. She states that she
is a single lady, 23 years of age and a native citizen of the United
States. |
Non-Mineral Affidavit, May 16, 1905.
Blanche Marquart states that there are no minerals on her homestead. |
Homestead, Ft Rice Reservation Act Aug 23,
May 16, 1905. Blanche Marquart application 30588 |
Cover document for her Homestead
Application. Dated May 19, 1905 |
Receiver's Receipt for application no 30588,
May 19, 1905. Confirms that Blanche Marquart has paid $18.00 filing
fee |
Duplicate Receiver's Receipt |
Notice of Intention to Make Proof,
Department of the Interior, June 4, 1910. Blanche C. Marquart states
that she intends to make her final five year proof. She lists
Michael C. Caddell, George Hammond, John Roethlisberger and E. Grace
Ballou as her witnesses. Also confirmation on June 6, 1910 that the
notice of intent will be published in the Mandan Republican, Mandan, ND
for five consecutive weeks. Signed by M. H. Jewell |
Notice for Publication, June 4, 1910.
Confirmation that the notice was posted in a public place |
Notice for Publication, June 4, 1910.
Stamped with a note saying "NO PROTEST against validity of this
entry" signed by W. S. Wade, Chief of Field Division, Fargo, ND |
Notice for Publication, Department of the
Interior. S. A Young, publisher of the Mandan Republican, Mandan, ND
states that he as published the notice weekly for six issues from June 9,
1910 to July 14, 1910. Signed on July 18, 1910 |
Homestead Entry, Final Proof, Testimony of
Claimant, July 19, 1910 Blanche Marquart says she settled on the
land May 20, 1905 and that she taught school in 1905 then gives details
year by year of where she taught and how long she was away from her
homestead. |
Testimony of Claimant continued. Lists
the crops she had in cultivation on her land and the buildings and
improvements on the land. States that she has a frame and sod house
20 x 24, a smoke house, a hog barn 32 x 32, 5 acres fenced and 25 acres
broken. |
Testimony of Claimant final page, signed by
Blanche Marquart July 19, 1910. |
Final Affidavit Required of Homestead
Claimants. She swears to the facts that she settled on the land May
20, 1905 and lived there to the present time, signed July 19, 1910. |
Homestead Entry, Final Proof, Testimony of
Witness: Michael C. Caddell, 62 years old from Hobson, ND.
States he has known Blanche for 5 1/2 years and that she taught school |
Second page of his testimony, Gives
the list of crops and improvements he knows on her land |
Final page of his testimony. He states
that he sees this land about three times a year. Signed July 19,
1910 |
Homestead Entry, Final Proof, Testimony of
Witness: George W. Hammond, age 35, of Hobson, ND. He states
that he has known Blanche Marquart for six years and that she has taught
school since 1905. |
Second page of his testimony, Gives
the list of crops and improvements he knows on her land |
Final page of his testimony. He states
that he sees the land once a week. Signed July 19, 1910 |
Department of the Interior, July 19,
1910. She is notified that her application has been rejected because
she only lived on the land two years and three months during the five year
period. She has the right to appeal. |
Statement of Blanche Marquart that she
wishes to withdraw her final proof made on July 19, 1910 due to erroneous
testimony |
Official statement that her proof was
rejected due to failure to show sufficient residence. |
Notice of Intention to Make Proof, August
22, 1910. Blanche Marquart is refiling her proof. She lists
Michael Caddell, George Hammond, John Roethlisberger and Emona G. Ballou
as witnesses. |
Notice for Publication, states that the
notice was posted for 50 days starting August 22, 1910. Signed by M.
H. Jewell |
Notice for Publication, |
Notice for Publication with confirmation by
S. A. Young, publisher of the Mandan Republican, Mandan, ND that the
notice was published weekly for six issues from August 25, 1910 to October
6, 1910. |
Registry Return Receipt, August 27,
1910 |
Homestead Entry, Final Proof, Testimony of
Claimant, October 11, 1910. Blanche Marquart, 28 years old, single,
states that she took residence on her land May 30, 1905 and was absent
twice teaching school 50 miles away. |
Second page of her testimony, lists her
crops and improvements. |
Final page of her testimony, signed October
11, 1910. |
Final Affidavit Required of Homestead
Claimants, October 11, 1910. |
Homestead Entry, Final Proof, Testimony of
Witness: John Roethlisberger, age 47 of Fort Rice, ND. States
that he has known Blanche for five years, and the land seven years.
Confirms when she was teaching. |
Second page of his testimony listing her
crops and improvements. |
Final page of his testimony, signed October
11, 1910. |
Homestead Entry, Final Proof, George
Hammond, 35 years old from Fort Rice, ND. States he has known her
six years and the land 7 1/2 years. |
Second page of his testimony |
Final page of his testimony, signed October
11, 1910 |
Notice of Right of Election to receive
patent on nonmineral claim exclusive of any deposits of coal in the
land. Signed October 11, 1910. |
Second page of this Notice |
Document stating that the land was withdrawn
for coal classification |
Certificate, Homestead, signed October 11,
1910 by M. H. Jewell saying that he approves the patent. Other notes
stating it was approved March 18, 1911, Patent 187636 issued April 3, 1911
and supplemental patent 498274 issued November 9, 1915 |
General Land Office, 'B' List no 153,
paperwork for supplemental patent, March 18, 1911. |