Official Land Patent
James Adelbert Jarboe,
Land Patent 132213, May 26, 1910
SE 1/4 of Section 20, Township 136N,
Range 82W, 5th Principal Meridian |
General Land Office
cover page for Patent No. 132213, May 26, 1910. |
Hand calculation of dates to ensure that he had lived there
over 5 years. |
Homestead Application, October 9, 1905 |
Homestead Application 31815 from James A Jarboe of Strain,
ND for 160 acres. Land office at Bismarck. Signed by M. H.
Jewell, Register. |
Homestead, Department of the Interior, Receipt for $18.00
from James A Jarboe for his Homestead Application 31815, October 9, 1905. |
Homestead Affidavit, Department of the Interior.
Statement personally signed by James A Jarboe for Application 31815.
States that he is a native born Citizen of the United States and the head
of a family. October 7, 1905 |
Department of the Interior, United States Land
Office. Another statement personally signed by James A Jarboe,
October 7, 1905. |
Non-Mineral Affidavit, Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office. This is a statement personally signed by James A
Jarboe stating that there are no minerals on the land. October 7,
1905. |
Homestead Application 31815. Receiver's Office,
October 9, 1905. The receiver states that he has received $18.00
from James A Jarboe for this application. |
Notice of Intention to Make Proof, Department of the
Interior, August 31, 1909. James A Jarboe states that he intends to
make his final five year proof to establish his claim. He lists
Joseph Huncovsky, W. T. Inman, Preston Inman and Ray Smith as his
witnesses. Then there is an entry on September 11th, 1909 that the
intention to make proof will be published in the Flasher Hustler, Flasher,
ND for five consecutive weeks. |
Notice for Publication, Department of the Interior, August
31, 1909. Signed by M. H. Jewell. |
Notice for Publication, Department of the Interior.
Same document as above but stamped to say "NO PROTEST against
validity of this entry" signed by W. S. Wade |
Notice for Publication and Affidavit of Publication.
A clipping from the newspaper and signature by M. L. Tuve stating that the
notice was published weekly in the Flasher Hustler, Flasher, ND paper for
5 consecutive weeks from Sept 24, 1909 to October 22, 1909. Sworn to
on October 25, 1909. |
Close-up of the newspaper clipping. |
Homestead Entry, Final Proof. Testimony of
Claimant. James A Jarboe testifies that he settled on the land July
24, 1904. The house was built in August, 1904 but the family lived
in the barn before the house was built. |
Continued testimony of James A Jarboe. Gives the
details of the land he has cultivated and the crops he raised each
year. Also describes the house and the improvements he has made |
Last page of testimony of James A Jarboe, with his
signature. Deposition was given November 2, 1909. |
Final Affidavit Required of Homestead Claimants, signed by
James A Jarboe swearing that he has lived on the land since July 24,
1904. Given November 2, 1909 |
Homestead Entry, Final Proof, Testimony of Witness.
Willis T. Inman, age 68 years testifies that he has known James A Jarboe
since July 1904 |
Continued testimony of Willis T. Inman. Gives details
of the crops and improvements on the land |
Last page of testimony of Willis T. Inman. Says he
lives three miles from James A Jarboe and visits about once a week.
Says he ate dinner with the family of James A Jarboe in July 1904 when
they first arrived. Statement taken November 2, 1909. |
Homestead Entry, Final Proof, Testimony of Witness.
Ray H. Smith, age 43 years states he has known James A Jarboe five years. |
Continued testimony of Ray. H. Smith. Gives the
details of the crops and improvements on the land |
Continued testimony of Ray H. Smith. Says he helped
James A Jarboe build his house and visits him about twice a month.
He lives in sight of James A Jarboe's house but it is about five miles
away. Statement given November 2, 1909. |
Homestead, Department of the Interior. M. H. Jewell
states that James A Jarboe is entitled to the tract of land. Signed
November 3, 1909 |
Land Office cover page for Patent Number 132213, May 26,
1910. |