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August 9, 1796
Nelson County Courthouse, Bardstown, Kentucky
Will Book page 301
In the name of God, Amen,
I, Rodolph Jarbo of Nelson County In the province of Kentucky being in weak and low Condition of body But of perfect health of sense and memory blessed be god for it do in The first place Commit myself to god who gave it and Then my body To be decently Buried and Then do make and ordain This to be my last will and Testament in the following manner
Item and give to my Son John Jarbo my Indiffrentest Bed and best Coat and West Coat and boots That being for his full part of his fathers Estate
Item and give to my son Walter Jarbo and my Daughter Ellinder Jarbo Three parts of my land To be Equally divided between Them
Item and give to my son Bamel Jarbo one forth of my land and my saddle and two best pair of Breaches on Conditions That he comes out To this Countary That being this full part of his fathers Estate and if not for my son John Jarbo to have one Fourth of my land
Item and give To my well beloved wife Elizabeth Jarbo my land and Pursinal Estate during her widowhood and if she marrys her thirds only and the balance Equally Divided Between my son Walter Jarbo and my Daughter Elinder Jarbo
Item my will and desire is that my wife Elizabeth Jarbo and John Jarbo should be my hole and sole Executors of my Estate of This my last will Testament The 9 of August 1796.
Signed sealed and delivered in Presants of us
Teste: Joseph Brewer
Teste: Henry Bray
Rodolph x Jarbo [his mark]
At a County Court held for Nelson County on Tuesday the thirteenth day of December 1796.
The last will and Testament of Randolph Jarbo decd was proved by the oaths of Joseph Brewer and Henry Bray two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and sworn to by Elizabeth Jarbo one of the Executors therein named and Ordered to be Recorded
Ben Grayson
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