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August 2, 1858
Washington County Courthouse, Springfield, Kentucky
Deeds V - 1857 - 1860 Page 279
This Indenture made this 2nd day of August 1858 between John T Jarboe, Joseph M Jarboe, Susan D Jarboe, Samuel W Jarboe, Henry Jarboe, James A Jarboe, Eliza Jarboe, Martha Jarboe and Julia Ann Smith late Jarboe Heirs of John T Jarboe dec'd by R. S. Peters Commissioner of the first part and Richard M. Jarboe of the second part witnesseth,
That whereas on the 15th day of June 1857 John T Jarboe &c filed a petition in the Washington Circuit Court praying a sale of the lands of John T Jarboe dec'd and for an allotment to Richard M Jarboe his portion of said land, And on the 25th day of June 1857 an order was entered appointing Mordecai Hardin, Peter Brown & Joseph Spalding Commissioners to allot to said Richard M Jarboe one equal tenth part of said land, including the portion allotted to Catharine Jarboe widow of John T Jarboe. And on the 14th Sept 1857 said Commissioners returned their report, which shows that twenty eight acres were allotted to said Richard M Jarboe, and directing a conveyance to be made to him on part of the other Heirs of John T Jarboe dec'd R. S. Peters was appointed Commissioner to make said conveyance, Now in consideration of said decree and all the proceedings had in said suit, the parties of the first part by R. S. Peters Commissioner as afs'd hereby conveys to the said Richard M Jarboe, said one tenth of the lands of John T Jarboe dec'd as laid off by the Comrs to allot, lying on the waters of Cartwrights Creek in ---------------- County Kentucky and bounded as follows.
Beginning at a stone on the Turnpike corner to the dowers, thence with the road N 1 1/2° E60 poles to a stone, thence S86 1/4 E 89 poles to a stone in the old road, thence with the same S 3 1/2 W 2 1/2 poles to the beginning, Containing twenty eight acres. To have and to hold the said tract of land to him the said Richard M Jarboe his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereof the parties of the first part by said conv. hereto set their hand the date above.
R. S. Peters Comr.
State of Kentucky
Washington Circuit
I John B Starr Clerk of the Washington Circuit Court certify that on the 5th day of August 1858 this deed from John T Jarboes Heirs by R. S. Peters Comr to Richard M Jarboe was produced in open court and acknowledged by said Comr to be his act and deed, which being examined and approved by the Court was ordered to ber certified to the Clerk of the County Court for record, which is accordingly done. Given under my hand this 2nd day of September 1858.
John B. Starr Clk
Washington County
I R. S. Peters Clerk of the County Court for the County aforesaid certify that on the day of the date hereof this deed from John T Jarboes Heirs by conv. to R M Jarboe was produced to me in my office and ordered to be recorded. Whereupon the same together with this and the foregoing certificate are duly recorded in my office in Deed Book V page 279. Given under my hand this 10th day of December 1858.
R. S. Peters Clk
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