Viola Meredith Runyon to Jackie
Gander |
Christmas in the early 1940's. A
Christmas card from Bernard and Nora Cavanaugh to Nora's sister
Gertrude Jarboe |
Inside letter from Nora to Gertrude |
December 12, 1949: Letter
from Nora Cavanaugh to her sister Gertrude Jarboe. Nora is
discussing where she can move to live and having her sister
Annie move down from San Francisco. This letter was sent
from 636 Robinson Street in Los Angeles |
January 2, 1956: Letter from
Anna Laura Bell to her niece Josephine Gander. Written
from 2061 N. New Hampshire, Los Angeles. At this time,
three of the Bell sisters were living together at this
address: Anna Laura (Annie), Agnes Kendrick (Aggie), Nora
Cavanaugh. |
Page 2 of the letter |
Page 3 of the letter |
Page 4 of the letter |
October 29, 1940, from William
Robert Bell, Greenfield, Missouri, to Gertrude Bell Jarboe and
daughter Anna Lou Jarboe in Monroe City, Missouri. Willie
was Gertrude's half-brother.
Willie tells about his recent birthday party
where he invited black neighbors to attend and talks about how
his attitude has changed about race relations.
He also talks about how he has willed his
interest in the Bell farm to Loutie.
October 19, 1940: The
document mentioned in the letter above where WR Bell wills his
interest in the Bell farm to his half-sister Loutie Bell Volmer.
October 18, 1941, from William
Robert Bell, Greenfield, Missouri, to Gertrude Bell Jarboe and
daughter Anna Lou Jarboe in Monroe City, Missouri. Willie
was Gertrude's half-brother.
Willie talks about some work he has been doing
on his chicken houses, discusses a religious chain letter, tells
how he gets up at 4:00 am every day to say the whole rosary,
mentions the final sale of the Bell homestead to Joe Volmer's
daughter and remembers a great flood of 1885 where he enjoyed
playing in the river.
November 3, 1942: A brief
post card from Willie Bell to Gertrude Jarboe. Mentions
that he is looking for a letter from her about a visit and
discusses the problems of gasoline rationing (due to World War
March 19, 1943, William
Robert Bell, Greenfield, Missouri, to Gertrude Bell Jarboe and
daughter Anna Lou Jarboe in Monroe City, Missouri. Willie
was Gertrude's half-brother.
Willie discusses some general matters at home
including troubles feeding pigs and the cost of wheat and the
price hogs bring. He has had to go great lengths to get to
Mass as the local priest has lost his voice. Talks about
his daughter Alice and her family. Also talks about
Calvin, the son of Anna Clopton who was staying with him.
August 1, 1943, William
Robert Bell, Greenfield, Missouri, to Gertrude Bell Jarboe and
daughter Anna Lou Jarboe in Monroe City, Missouri. Willie
was Gertrude's half-brother.
Willie talks about general farming issues with
prices of grain. Has had a letter from Della who is
expecting a baby. Apparently she was going to name the
baby William Dell or it's a little joke. Anyway, Thomas
Adelbert Ream was born about six weeks after this letter.
He also discusses difficulties getting travel on the Railroad,
probably due to WWII traffic and about the boy Calvin Clopton
who is in the Army.
November 19, 1943,William
Robert Bell, Greenfield, Missouri, to Gertrude Bell Jarboe and
daughter Anna Lou Jarboe in Monroe City, Missouri. Willie
was Gertrude's half-brother.
Just a general newsy letter about his family,
letters from sisters Agnes and Rose, a visit from daughter Alice
with her son and daughter-in-law and all of them going Quail
November 8, 1949, from William
Robert Bell, Greenfield, Missouri, to Gertrude Bell Jarboe and
daughter Anna Lou Jarboe in Monroe City, Missouri. Willie
was Gertrude's half-brother.
This letter is about Bishop Marling
visiting St. Patrick church and then the Bishop and 9 priests
had dinner with Willie. Also covers surgeries for his
daughter and son-in-law, Alice and Clyde Morris.
December 8, 1949, from William
Robert Bell, Greenfield, Missouri, to Gertrude Bell Jarboe and
daughter Anna Lou Jarboe in Monroe City, Missouri. Willie
was Gertrude's half-brother. The letter mentions that he
had gone by Jacksonville (Illinois) on his way home. This
would be to visit his daughter Alice Bell Morris. He talks
about Anna (Clopton) who was either his housekeeper or a
step-daughter, his first wife Mattie Smith
Bell having died in 1926. Keep in mind when reading this
letter that Willie was already 87 years old when he wrote
this. His letters were always so full of activity that he
never seemed like an old man. He died in July 1951.

December 14, 1949, from Rose Bell
Bowles in Liberal, Kansas, to her sister Gertrude (Gertie) Bell
Jarboe in Monroe City, Missouri. Gertie's daughter Anna
Lou Jarboe was living at home with Gertie at the time.
Rose and Gertie's half-brother Willie Bell had recently been to
visit Gertie (see letter above). Rose's daughter Leta
Gertrude Bowles Burns was living in Texas with seven
children. Gertie was apparently recovering from some
unidentified illness or difficulty. Gertie's daughter
Lillian was living in Seguin, Texas. Although Rose signed
the letter "Your aged sister and Aunty", she went on
to live another 18 years, living to be 97 years old.
June 12, 1950, from William Robert
Bell, Greenfield, Missouri, to Gertrude Bell Jarboe and daughter
Anna Lou Jarboe in Monroe City, Missouri. Willie was
Gertrude's half-brother. This letter lays out a trip that
he has planned for July and August by train to Liberal, Kansas,
Los Angeles San Francisco, Utah, Denver, St. Louis and so
on. A 30 day trip by train for a man almost 88 years
old. He did take this trip pretty much as planned.
He had asked his half-sister Rose Bell Bowles if she wanted to
go along but she declined due to poor health. This letter
also talks about his 300 chickens, a broken washing machine and
how he and Anna make money selling popcorn on the street.
The next 15 slides are a series of
letters following Willie's trip to California and a separate
trip by Charles and Rose Bell Bowles.
September 29, 1950. A letter
from Nora Bell Cavanaugh to Willie Bell, then his note on the
bottom forwarding it to Gertrude Bell Jarboe. He forwarded
the letter he got from Nora dated September 26th and the letter
Rose Bell Bowles wrote to Anna Laura Bell on September 11th,
which had then been passed on to Nora who sent it to Willie.
September 26, 1950. Page 1 of
3. Nora Bell Cavanaugh in Los Angeles writing to Willie Bell in
Greenfield, MO. She writes about an outdoor pageant at the
Hollywood bowl for the 100 year anniversary of the founding of
California. She mentions Charlene (?) and Isabel (possibly
daughter of Agnes Bell Kendrick)
September 26, 1950. Page 2 of
3. Nora continues talking about the celebration and the
Los Angeles County Fair. Talks about Fred McMurray's prize
cattle. Then tells Willie that she always remembers his
dead wife Mattie every morning at communion. She goes on
to detail her communion list of dead loved ones: husband
Bernard, parents Tom and Louise Bell, brothers Tommy and Emory
Bell, sister Mary Alice Bell, Bernard's parents, Dr. Cavanaugh,
Matthew Cavanaugh, Annie Smith, John McAndrew (Loutie's
husband), Mattie Bell, Sally Taylor (her mother's sister),
Florence Bell Smith (Emory's daughter)
September 26, 1950. Page 3 of
3. Communion list continued: Margaret Cavanaugh,
Mayme Cavanaugh, Albert Kendrick (Agnes's husband), Ella
Saunders (her mother's sister), Joe Volmer (Loutie's second
husband), Dell Jarboe (Gertie's husband), Nellie Bell (Emory's
wife), and Will Beechwood (Mary Alice Bell's husband).
Then she gives a prayer for those in purgatory, which she says
is what her husband Bernard used to pray for at communion.
September 11, 1950. Page 1 of
8. Letter from Rose Bell Bowles in Liberal, Kansas to her
sister Anna Laura Bell in San Francisco.
She writes about Willie's visit to see her in
August and then starts talking about a trip she is getting ready
to take with husband Charles and daughter Cecelia (Peg) to
Missouri and Charles birth place in Illinois. She and
Charles are both 80 years old at the time of this letter.
Yet, she writes that Charles has worked so steady and not had
any vacation for two years!
Page 2 of 8. More information
about how they will leave the next week for Loutie's in St.
Paul, Kansas and then on to Missouri and Illinois.
Explains that she really doesn't like to travel and is happy
staying home saying her prayers and listening to the
radio. Also says she can't hear well.
Page 3 of 8. Rose wishes she
could have gone on the trip west with Willie, as he had asked,
but says she wasn't well enough for such a trip. She talks
about the weather being so dry that the wheat crop is a failure
but now it is raining and the maize and kaffir? crops are not
maturing before the frost.
Page 4 of 8. She wonders how
Willie's trip went after he left her place on August 4th as no
one wrote. She admires how well he is. Talks about
son Tom's step-daughter visiting for two weeks and about the
travels of Tom and his family.
Page 5 of 8. Continues
talking about the travels of Tom and family then mentions
daughter Mary going to Wichita on insurance business, leaving
Thelma (Rose's daughter-in-law) to take care of the
office. Thelma was married to Rose's son George who is in
the hospital at this time at Wadsworth for more x-ray
treatments. He hopes to be home by Oct 1st. He has
only been able to work a little bit.
Page 6 of 8. Continues
talking about George's illness and his treatment [He died less
than a year after this letter on August 30, 1951. Not sure
what type of cancer or illness he had. She mentions bumps
coming back and temperature rising.]
Says that her brother Emory's son Joe Bell and
wife visited recently from Albuquerque.
Page 7 of 8. Talks about
trips daughter Mary has taken but doesn't mention places.
Talks about husband Charles' health and says he looks 50 years
younger than she does.
Page 8 of 8. Talks about
daughter Leta visiting with four of her children and Leta's
husband being taken to a Doctor at the time she got home from a
500 mile drive so she had to milk all 24 cows. Husband Joe
is doing OK now. Leta's son Joe Lane is working for the
telephone company in Dallas and daughter Rose Mary is in Fort
Worth nursing school. Youngest child Virginia starts
school and will be six in December.
Closes by telling about how her gladiolas
bloomed and asks Annie to write a long letter to her.

January 20, 1956, from Nora Bell
Cavanaugh at 2061 N. New Hampshire Avenue, Los Angeles
California, to her niece Bernadette Jarboe Kelly at 601 South
Davis, Monroe City, Missouri. This is a newsy letter that
covers a lot of ground. Apparently Bernadette had found
some cloth in the family bible and has written to ask if it
could be from someone's wedding dress. This leads to a
detailed description of the cloth in the wedding dresses of each
Bell daughter. It appears that the family bible also
contained some embroideries made by John Thomas Bell's first
wife, Mary Alice Eddings. Then there is a discussion of a
long lost letter by their father John Thomas Bell's sister
Susanna Bell Jarboe and some griping that Nora's sister Loutie
didn't save that letter or the newspaper that had Nora's wedding
announcement in it. She worries about what has happened to
Loutie's only child Gertrude McAndrew as no one got a card from
her at Christmas.
Second page has Nora saying she's been sick
with liver problems and missed mass four days last week.
She notes that the two sisters living with her at the time Anna
Laura (Annie) and Susan Agnes (Aggie) have healthy appetites and
they are hoping that Aggie's application for old age pension
goes through. She recounts seeing her dead husband Bernard
in a visit just before Christmas. Lastly, she wishes
Bernadette's sister Josephine well at the birth of Alice Bell
Gander, born earlier that month.
Nora's sister Annie Bell died just four
months after this letter was written. Nora died in
November, 1957. Aggie went on living in Los Angeles until
her death in 1964.

September 26, 1961, from
John Jacob Beechwood, Sr. in Jobstown, New Jersey, to
Bernadette Jarboe Kelly in Monroe City, Missouri.
John is answering a sympathy letter from Bernadette
after the death of his sister Mary Beechwood Coverdale
in July, 1961. Another sister Viola Beechwood had
died in June, 1961 while the sisters were on a trip to
Europe. The wish stated here to bring Viola's body
to the family plot from England was never realized due
to lack of embalming.
The ardent fox hunter referred to in
the letter is almost certainly Clifford
The papers below will be moved soon to a
separate "Research Room" page.