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William Robert Bell and Martha Smith
Willie_Bicycle.jpg (270963 bytes) 1899 Photo at the Republic, Missouri station near Springfield, MO.  Woman on left is Mattie Smith with daughter Alice May Bell.  Man on bicycle is Willie Bell, oldest child of John Thomas Bell.
Gertrude_Smith_Alice_Bell.jpg (605071 bytes) Around 1897 Gertrude Smith and Alice May Bell.  Gertrude was the half-sister of Mattie Smith who married Willie Bell, the first child of John Thomas Bell and Mary Alice Eddings.
Unknown_girl.jpg (57034 bytes) Around 1898 Unknown girl, but appears to be Alice May Bell [Morris], daughter of William R. Bell.
Willie_Bell_house.jpg (111870 bytes) About 1900 Home of Willie and Mattie Bell in Republic, Missouri.  Mattie's half sister Gertrude is sitting on step and their daughter Alice May is sitting on the porch.
Horse_riding_6x8.jpg (552932 bytes) 1900 Gertrude Smith, Gertrude Jarboe, Bernadette Jarboe and Alice May Bell.  
4genbell.JPG (87397 bytes) Around 1915 Four generations of Bell family.  Left to right:  William Robert Bell, his daughter Alice, her son Billy, and John Thomas Bell.  William Robert (Willie) Bell was the son of John Thomas Bell and Mary Alice Eddings.  Mary Alice died in childbirth along with their second child Robert.

Photo courtesy of Guy and Roch Buckman

Agnes_Tom_Loutie_Gertrude_Alice_sitting.jpg (69204 bytes) Late 1920's Agnes Bell Kendrick, John Thomas Bell, Loutie Bell McAndrew and daughter Gertrude McAndrew, Alice Bell Morris.

Photo courtesy of Josephine Gander 

Techny_retreat_1946.jpg (76495 bytes) 1946 Techny Illinois retreat.  Willie Bell is the short man in the front row next to the priest.

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